Should you be eating eggs?

Should you be eating eggs?

Naturally Yours

Are eggs healthy

Whether it is a fluffy omelet stuffed with assorted veggies or a homemade scramble, there is no denying that eggs are a topmost pick for non-vegetarians when it comes to filling yet delicious breakfast foods!

It is no surprise either that eggs are packed with 6 grams of high-quality proteins, keeping our tummy growling at bay throughout all those morning chores or office work.

Eggs are one of the few foods that should actually be classified as “Superfoods”, being loaded with 13 essential nutrients which modern diets lack.

Are Eggs good for you?

Yes, when it comes to helping meet your daily nutritional requirements, eggs are pretty tough to beat.

  1. Incredibly healthy and nutritious- A whole egg contains all the nutrients required to turn a single cell into a baby chicken. It contains ample number of Proteins, Vitamin A, Folic acid, Vitamin B12, Phosphorus, selenium, Vitamin D, Vitamin E, Calcium, zinc- “I must say almost all nutrients!”
  2. Raise the good cholesterol (HDL) – According to studies by P Schnohr et al. J Intern Med. 1994 March, eating eggs is a great way to increase HDL (Good cholesterol), thus lowering the risk of cardiovascular diseases.
  3. Important for eye health- Egg yolks contain large amount of retinol, lutein and zeaxanthin, all of which are required to reduce the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration.
  4. Helps lower triglycerides- Omega 3 enriched and pastured eggs are rich in omega 3 fatty acids which are good for lowering the triglyceride levels.
  5. High in quality protein- Eggs are an excellent source of good quality protein and also contain almost all the essential amino acids. Adequate proteins are required for immunity, bone health, increasing muscle mass and lowering of blood pressure.
  6. Eggs provide a great source of Vitamin D- Egg yolks are one of the handful of foods that naturally contain Vitamin D
  7. Egg whites help in weight management- Relatively low in calories and a rich source of high-quality proteins, eggs are one of the best foods to assist with weight management. They have a high level of satiety, less hunger and a lower desire to eat later during the day- So, you will be less inclined to reach for that mid-morning snack.
  8. Your skin and hair will thank you- Eggs are a decent source of protein and biotin-both of which promote hair growth. Also, Omega 3 rich fatty acids present in them helps slow down skin ageing.
  9. Eggs can support mental health- Eggs being loaded with a variety of nutrients like Vitamin B12, B2, choline, tryptophan and iron helps reduce the risk of anxiety, depression and thus naturally aids a good quality sleep.

But, in some people,  there can be some ill effects of eggs too!!

The Cholesterol Question?

If cholesterol is the issue, you can replace the whole eggs with egg whites. Egg whites contain no cholesterol, but are packed with protein.

The GUT Issue!

Egg yolks also contain lecithin which is disliked by your gut bacteria, causing further stomach issues for some people.


The main safety concern with eggs can be salmonella food poisoning or even food allergy among young children.  But, with proper consultation with General practitioner and proper washing and cleaning, one can safely consume allowed amounts of eggs

Frequently asked questions about eating eggs

Is it Safe to eat eggs every day?

According to AHA Nutrition committee, one can consume eggs every day. However, people with high cholesterol, can opt for egg whites and omit the yolk.

Eggs are full of good-for-you nutrition and can be a part of a healthy diet in moderation throughout each and every stage of life.

How many is too many?

There is no specific answer to this question. It differs from person to person and overall health too!

Eggs can heat your body from within, so in peak summers, one is advised to stick to just one per day.

Consuming too many eggs in a day is also said to increase bad cholesterol in the body.  However, according to studies, you can have 1-2 eggs per day (almost everyday).

Myths About Eggs

MYTH 1 - Dirt on the shell of eggs is organic and shows the eggs are natural

Fact- Dirt may be organic, but definitely not safe for you. Dirt, chicken poo and feathers can contain harmful bacteria

MYTH 2 - Bad eggs always smell bad-

Fact- Eggs that smell and taste fine can still have salmonella. Discard cracked or dirty eggs. Keep hands, utensils, kitchen platforms clean and dry. If an egg smells bad, don’t use it

MYTH 3 - Raw eggs are great for sick people as they are rich in proteins and minerals

FACT- Salmonella poisoning is more dangerous for people who are seriously ill, infants, pregnant women or aged people. Always cook eggs until whites are firm and yolk begins to thicken.

MYTH 4 - Wash eggs to remove the diet-

FACT- Egg shell become porous when wet making it easier for the bacteria to enter the egg. So, discard dirty eggs and never wash them.

MYTH 5 - Good eggs sink, bad eggs float

FACT- Bacteria can be present inside or on the egg shell whether it sinks or floats.

The Wind up

Due to COVID situations now, many countries urge populations to stay at home and many of us are concentrating on our diets to support health.

Eggs, which are a nutritious treat can be termed as a perfect food- Readily available, easy to cook, affordable and power protein packed, thus improving immunity to fight against Virus.

ARE EGGS HEALTHY? Has become a frequently asked nutrition question. To answer this, it’s important to look at eggs not only on their own, but in context of the entire diet, especially when compared to foods they might replace (and vice-versa too). 




Sneha Jain, Dietician

Sneha is a Post graduate with specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics. She is a university topper and holds 5+ years of experience in Apollo hospitals, VLCC, slimsutra and first cry fit-kids . She has successfully counselled clients all over India for weight loss, weight gain, diabetes, hypertension, PCOD, hypothyroid, Pregnancy and lactation and growth charts for children. She has her own diet consultation e-clinic (diet_diariez)

She believes in  customized diets and eating local and seasonal foods. Her counselling not only involves diet planning, but also lifestyle modification and stress relief strategies. 

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