Dark circles: common mistakes and diet essentials | Naturally Yours

Dark circles: common mistakes and diet essentials

Naturally Yours
Dark circles: common mistakes and diet essentials


Dark-circles can be caused by various factors such as using the wrong concealer or eye-cream or simply lack of some vitamins & minerals or sleep.

But, today it’s not just the sleepless nights but the biggest culprit for Dark-circles is our Mobile/Tabs/Laptops where we enjoy many of the Web-series. And one of the reasons which many people will be shocked knowing is OVERSLEEPING.

The reasons are still not done! There are many other reasons as well that can lead to or worsen your dark circles, some of the mistakes are improper diet, overexposure to the sun, etc.

Below is the list of mistakes which can worsen dark circles:

1. Oversleeping

Have you ever thought that sleeping can cause harm to anyone? But it does cause harm, it directly attacks your beauty! Yes, Oversleeping can cause you dark circles.

2. Exposure to Sunlight

The sunlight exposure for long time can prove to be extremely harmful to your skin and will also be harmful to your eyes.

It can cause skin tanning and dark circles. The pigment responsible for the skin colour named Melanin is released in excess amount and can lead to dark skin & dark circles.

3. Excessive Salt Intake

Salt is important for the human body to function properly. But excess salt intake can lead to some harmful effects on human body and body organs.

Dark circles are one of the harmful effect excess salt intake can cause.

4. Not drinking enough water

Dehydration can cause the tissues to get thinner and fragile which can cause dark circles. Drinking enough water helps us to maintain healthy skin.

5. Smoking

Cigarette smoke has oxidants that breaks down the collagen and that can harm the delicate tissues around the eye.

Also, nicotine present in the cigarette increases vasopressin levels which can cause vasoconstriction meaning it increases blood pressure and thus hampers the blood circulation. And this can ultimately lead to bruised eye bags.

6. Vitamins & Minerals Deficiencies

Iron & Vitamin B12 is important for the production of haemoglobin which carries oxygen to the cells.

Therefore, low levels of Iron & Vitamin B12 can result in inadequate oxygenation of the tissues which can lead to dark circles.

7. Cleansing your eye area wrong

Just rubbing your skin to remove the eyeliner and mascara can cause damage to your capillaries which can worsen the dark circles.

These are the small and common mistakes we end-up doing which can worsen our dark circles under eye.

However, having a balanced diet with nutritious food can help you get the glow back on your skin.

Here are some essential nutrients that can help you beat the dark circles:

1. Vitamin C

It is high in antioxidants that will help in minimizing the damage which is caused by free radicals.

It also helps in production of collagen and increases blood circulation that will result in restoration of the skin firmness and glow.

2. Lycopene

It is highly potent chemical which is found in various fruits and vegetables. As it is high in antioxidants, it is known for the various health benefits such as improving eye health and improving overall immunity.

It helps to prevent the pigmentation and thus helps to reduce the dark circles.

2. Iron

When dark circles is accompanied by dizziness, fatigue and tiredness; it can be because of the iron deficiency.

Iron deficiency can result in hampered oxygen supply to the tissues. This can make your skin look paler and can worsen your dark circles.

3. Vitamin E

It is extremely beneficial to the skin & hair health. It is also a rich source of antioxidants and aids fight the free radicals.

It helps to restore the skin moisture, decrease pigmentation and slows down skin aging.

4. Vitamin K

It has the ability to repair the damaged skin and also heal skin injuries. It particularly helps to get rid of your dark circles

These are the nutrients which will help you reduce your dark circles. Now let us have a list of foods that can help you reduce the dark circles:

  1. Watermelon – It is an excellent source of Antioxidants and also Vitamin A, C, E & K. Over 90% of the watermelon consists of water and thus can be included in the diet to reduce dark circles.
  2. Sesame Seeds – It is a rich source of Zinc, Copper, Manganese, Calcium, Iron, Phosphorus and Vitamin B1. It helps in collagen production and thus can be included in the diet to reduce dark circles.
  3. Carrots – It is an amazing vegetable packed with the nutrients such as Beta Carotene, Vitamin A & Vitamin C. It can tighten the skin and reduce dark circles and thus can be included in the diet to reduce dark circles.
  4. Almonds – These are the rich source of Vitamin E, Healthy Fats and Protein. Among the foods for dark circles almonds can be added to this list
  5. Blueberries – It is rich in Vitamin C, Vitamin K, Manganese, Lutein, etc. It improves the blood circulation around eyes and thus can be included in the diet to reduce dark circles.

The Bottom Line:

Having a balanced diet and healthy lifestyle is always important and beneficial not only for dark circles but for the entire human body.


Anuja Dani

 Anuja Dani, Certified Sports Nutritionist

Founder, Harmony Wellness,
M.S.c. Nutrition & Dietetics
Diabetes Educator

As a nutritionist, her motto is to simplify food and nutrition to busy people and helping them to achieve their goals. She has successfully counselled clients all over India for disease management, nutritional deficiencies and also gives fitness advice to athletes, fitness enthusiasts, bodybuilders, marathoners & many others. Other than being a nutritionist, Anuja is also a good singer, a foodie, a reader, a designer, and a dreamer. 
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