6 Amla Powder Uses For Beautiful Hair

6 Amla Powder Uses For Beautiful Hair

Amla or Indian gooseberry is known to be one of the most potent and nourishing herbs that has been used since thousands of years to cure various health problems.

It is used as a core ingredient in almost all ayurvedic preparations due to the numerous health benefits that this fruit bestows upon us.

In terms of its Vitamin C content, 1 small Amla is equal to 2 oranges.

It is also a great source of antioxidants, minerals like iron and zinc and vitamins like carotenes and vitamin B complex.

Amla is one of the most effective natural remedies for a number of hair problems. It serves as a hair conditioner, prevents hair fall, has anti dandruff properties and also gives a natural shine to the hair.

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 Here are a few home remedies that you can use for stunning healthy hair.

1. For Dandruff Control

For dandruff control use the Amla Curd mixture recipe. Curds are a very well-known Ayurvedic treatment against dandruff. The healthy yeast formation in curds is a healing agent as well.

Mix 2 tsp amla powder with curd and then apply it on your scalp. Leave the mixture on for around half an hour and then wash your hair.

2. For Hair Fall control

To control your hair fall use this simple but effective recipe.

Add 2 teaspoons of amla juice or powder into an equal quantity lemon juice. Mix well, apply to the scalp and leave it to dry; then rinse using warm water.

3. As A Hair conditioner

Amla powder acts as a great hair conditioner.

Mix a little amla powder with water and keep it overnight. The next day, apply this paste to your hair, leave on for a few hours and wash with a mild shampoo.

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4. To Promote Hair Growth

For people suffering from Hair fall, you can use this super recipe which helps to promote your hair growth naturally.

Make a paste with 2 teaspoons of amla powder, curd, honey and warm water. Apply this paste evenly on your scalp and hair strands. Allow it to stay for about 30 minutes before you rinse it off completely. This pack strengthens the hair roots and promotes hair growth.

5. To Prevent Premature Graying

Combining the goodness of Amla and coconut oil is the best remedy for grey hair.

Prepare amla oil at home by mixing 1 cup of coconut oil and 2 tbsp amla powder.

Heat the mixture at the lowest flame till it starts to bubble slightly, continue for another minute or so, then turn off the heat, cover the pan and allow to steep until the oil has cooled.

Strain and store in a bottle.

Massage the oil on your scalp and leave it for at least 30 minutes or preferably overnight and wash it off.

6. For Dull & Damaged Hair

Amla powder is extremely useful in helping to get rid of dull and damaged hair

Mix together two teaspoon each of amla powder, besan, hibiscus flower powder, neem powder and tulsi powder.Now add to it one or two tablespoon of curd to make a paste.

Apply this paste all over your hair and scalp. Keep it for 30 minutes and wash off with a mild shampoo.

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