6 Amazing Benefits of Foxtail Millet

6 Amazing Benefits of Foxtail Millet

Naturally Yours

foxtail millet

Millets are the millennials' must-haves!!

Millets have been a staple diet of humans for more than 8000 years until modernisation of cuisines took over the world of Gastronomy by storm, making us consume all that is refined and defined as tasty food.


But, Ladies and Gentlemen, welcome these millets back with another round of applause. Yes, millets have made a comeback!

Foxtail millet are tiny seeds around 2mm in size, covered in a thin, crispy hull, usually available in light yellowish-brown colour. It is grown in semi-arid regions.

Benefits of foxtail millet

1. Manages Diabetes

Foxtail millet is an absolutely great substitute to rice as it keeps you satiated for longer hours.

The trick is to consume cooked foxtail millet instead of rice in order to prevent those mid-day hunger pangs and avoid sudden spike in sugar levels.

Being a low glycaemic index food (50.8), it is an ultimate choice to help reduce blood sugars and Glycosylated haemoglobin.

2. Triggers Weight loss

Foxtail millet is loaded with ample amounts of Tryptophan for avoiding those hunger pangs.

So, if you are amongst those battling with excessive tummy fat, it is the time to increase the intake of foxtail millet as it prevents accumulation of fats in the body.

3. Stronger bones

Foxtail millets are rich in iron and calcium, and thus maintain health of bones and muscles.

It helps meet the calcium and phosphorus needs of the body for combating brittle bones, inflammation, osteoporosis, arthritis and spondylitis.

4. Strengthens nervous system

Foxtail millet is high in Vitamin B1, thus helping to keep various neurological disorders at bay!

This nutritious cereal is rich in iron too and helps reduce the progression of Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s and also helps provide more oxygenation to the brain

5. Boosts Cardiac health

Foxtail millet is gluten free, rich in protein and low in carbs which helps in the formation of neurotransmitter acetylcholine that transfers messages between muscle and nerves.

Eat it daily to protect your healthy heart from various ailments.

6. Helps improve Immunity

Being a powerhouse in nutrition, Foxtail millet keeps up the stamina, keeps you stronger and builds immunity in order to fight various infections lurking around.

Include this power millet in your daily diet to help fight infections and gain the strength back!


There are a few ways to get the most out of cooking foxtail millet seed-

1. Soak before using- Soak the millet in 3-4 times the amount of water or at least 6 hours, swishing your fingers through the bowl or swirling it before straining until the water runs clear.

Soaking the millet overnight ensures that you break down the phytic acid which is responsible for impairing nutrient absorption.

2. If not soaking, toast- While some cooks prefer to wash their millet, some don’t – and in that case, you can toast the millet in a sauté’ pan before you start cooking to bring out a subtle level of nuttiness to their flavour profile.

3. Add more liquid to change the texture- You can also prepare foxtail millet with a lighter, looser texture similar to couscous or make it into a porridge. Use 2:1 ratio of water to millet.

4. Pressure Cook- Soak Foxtail millet in water and then pressure cook for couple of whistles. Once cooked, the millets should be grainy. Use 2:1 ratio of water to millet for fluffy texture and 3:1 ratio for a softer consistency.

5. The boiled millet can be served with Dal, curry or chutney/pickle.

6. U can add boiled millet with vegetable stir-fry


A healthy millet rice with onions, carrots, sauteed with ginger, turmeric, green chillies and other spices. This healthy rice adds nutrition and fibre to the diet, making it a perfect lunch box for kids!

1 cup Foxtail millet (Pressure cooked for 3 whistles with 2 cups of water)

1 tsp White Udad dal

1 tsp Mustard (Rai)

1/8th cup Raw Peanuts

1/4th cup chopped Carrots

1 inch ginger

1 Spig curry leaves

2 finely chopped green chillies

1 Lemon

1 tbsp sesame oil

Coriander leaves

Turmeric and salt according to taste and colour.


1. Heat oil, Add mustard seeds, Udad dal and peanuts

2. Add the curry leaves, ginger, green chillies, turmeric powder

3. Add carrots and sauté till the carrots soften.

4. Add the pressure-cooked foxtail millets, salt and give it a good stir. Turn the flame to low, cover the pan and allow the millet to absorb the aroma of the spices added.

5. Lastly, squeeze the lemon juice and add coriander leaves

6. Serve and consume Hot!

The healthy Take-a-way-

Foxtail millet, like the other millets is a powerhouse of nutrition. In this fast pace life, growing pollution and chemically sprayed vegetables, it is high time we bring changes to our regular diet to get immunity against communicable and non- communicable diseases.

Encourage your locally grown seasonal grains to inherit immunity. Hence, foxtail millet is one such local grain that you cannot ignore!

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Sneha Jain, Dietician

Sneha is a Post graduate with specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics. She is a university topper and holds 5+ years of experience in Apollo hospitals, VLCC, slimsutra and first cry fit-kids .

She has successfully counselled clients all over India for weight loss, weight gain, diabetes, hypertension, PCOD, hypothyroid, Pregnancy and lactation and growth charts for children. She has her own diet consultation e-clinic (diet_diariez)

She believes in  customized diets and eating local and seasonal foods. Her counselling not only involves diet planning, but also lifestyle modification and stress relief strategies. 

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