12 Surprising signs that you are not moving enough | Naturally Yours

12 Surprising signs that you are not moving enough

Naturally Yours
12 Surprising signs that you are not moving enough!

A sedentary lifestyle is more harmful than you actually think. It is a harsh reality that almost one in four adults are not physically active.

Today you might plan to work longer in your office, tomorrow you might plan a movie. Day after, you get too tired and lazy going for grocery and vegetable shopping, so you might as well order food online.

With all these modern gadgets, no doubt, we all have become like lazy couch potatoes

Its no surprise that your body starts to panic and tell you that it is actually time to take care of yourself and move more.

The below mentioned signs indicate that you are not moving enough-

1. Your digestion is out of whack

Lying down or sitting around most of the day is a great way to stop up your bowels and cause constipation.

2. Stiffness of joints

The synovial fluid present in your knees, shoulders and ankles helps in the joint movement. However, lack of movement throughout the day causes this fluid production to slow down.

This is the reason of the creaky feeling you might experience the first thing you wake up in the morning.

3. You are often anxious

If you constantly feel anxious, higher intensity physical activity may be just what is needed to quell that anxiety.

4. You are often sad or in a bad mood

Regular physical activity causes your body to produce more endorphins- the so called “happy hormone”.

Lack of this Feel-good hormone due to constant sitting, can worsen up your mood and make you feel dull whole day.

5. Your eyes are Puffy

A sedentary lifestyle is one of the main reasons for water retention and puffy eyes.

6. You feel fatigued all the time

The more you sit around, the more wiped out you will feel. The good news is that, moving more can put the spring back in your steps.

7. Changes in your weight

There is a simple equation- YOU EAT = YOU BURN. But constant sitting causes your calorie intake to stay the same while your energy expenditure plummets, and those extra calories get stored as fat.

8. You might miss out on quality ZZ’s

Tossing and turning, or not sleeping at all? Before reaching for a sleep aid, try physical activity.

The longer you are inactive, the more your sleep will suffer. Studies show that sedentary habits increase the possibilities of insomnia.

9. Your memory is fading

Not to forget, our brains need exercise just as much our bodies do. Hours spent sitting leads to reduced thickness in the medial temporal lobe, which might explain why you have been so forgetful.

A dose of aerobic fitness can not only boost this area, but also help with dementia.

10. You have trouble concentrating

The only cure for brain-fog might be as simple as exercising regularly. When you move more, your brain releases a chemical called BDNF (Brain derived neurotrophic factor) which may boost mental sharpness and concentration.

11. Worsening of existing health conditions

If you suffer from co- morbidities like obesity, insomnia, high blood pressure or diabetes, constant sitting and a sedentary lifestyle may worsen the symptoms further.

12. You get sugar cravings

Physical activity combats sugar cravings perfectly. Getting enough movement throughout the day keeps depression at bay. So, no depression, and no need to gorge on those desserts!!

Simply put it as- Our bodies are not made to be stationary for long periods.

So now, let’s get moving, shall we??

A Regular workout routine makes fitness as easy as brushing your teeth. Below mentioned are ways to stay active and put exercise on autopilot.

  1. Start with a warmup- Few hand and leg rotations, neck rotations and some on the spot jogging.
  2. Pushups- Start with a variation like dropping your knees to the floor. Gradually increase to the next level 10 to 12 repetitions without drooping your back or shaking unsteadily.
  3. Lunges- Simple back lunges can be done using a wall or a chair to balance. 10 to 12 repetitions can be done.
  4. Squats- Always perform a squat with your feet-hip distance apart.
  5. Planks- Begin by holding a plank position for 15 seconds. Gradually progress to 30 seconds and eventually to 90 seconds.
  6. Skipping rope- These aren’t just kid’s toys. They are actually very effective and balancing.
  7. Flexibility stretches – Can be yoga poses or flexibility stretches
  8. A cooldown- Should be similar to a warmup.
  9. However, if you are short on time one day, increase the intensity of your workout. You can step up the pace of your strength workout by doing compound exercises. A good way to stay motivated and avoid distractions is to exercise early in the day

 Always remember, Health is Wealth! It is never too late to start. Make a workout plan and stick to it. Take out some time from your busy day and start these simple workouts at home. Eat healthy, shed few calories and stay happy and healthy!!

 The moral of the story is “Keep exercising. Your body will always thank You!!




Sneha Jain, Dietician

Sneha is a Post graduate with specialization in Nutrition and Dietetics. She is a university topper and holds 5+ years of experience in Apollo hospitals, VLCC, slimsutra and first cry fit-kids . She has successfully counselled clients all over India for weight loss, weight gain, diabetes, hypertension, PCOD, hypothyroid, Pregnancy and lactation and growth charts for children. She has her own diet consultation e-clinic (diet_diariez)

She believes in  customized diets and eating local and seasonal foods. Her counselling not only involves diet planning, but also lifestyle modification and stress relief strategies.

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